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Nehushtan - the first recorded antique meaning a "brazen serpent" made by Moses.

American Views Liverpool Transfer Printed Pitcher, with large 3-masted ship flying an American flag with 15 stars (in 1795 after Vermont and Kentucky were admitted to the Union, Congress established the  seven white and eight red stripes, with 15 five-pointed white stars in a blue field)., reverse with lady standing in rowboat being rowed to shore by a young gentleman. She is waving good-by to a sailor on a 3-masted ship in background, text below reads Her lefs'ning Boat unwilling rows to land/Audieu she cry'd wav'd her lilly hand and front with U.S. shield-breasted spread-winged eagle clutching arrows and olive branch in talons with ribbon banner in beak reading E. Pluribus Unum, two arched rows of text below Peace, Commerce, and honest Friendship, with all Nations. Entangling Alliances with none-Jefferson with C scroll handle, all three panels are hand-colored, 10" spout to handle x 6" diameter x 10.25" high. Short 1/2" tight line at union of spout and body.

Note: 15 star flag, eagle, ship, lady.

Size:  10.25" high by 6" diameter.
To purchase contact:
c. 1795 Liverpool Pitcher

Period:  c. 1795


Condition:  short 1/2" tight line at union of spout.