Extremely rare and important scale model of The Barkentine. Measures an impressive Length: 47" Height: 36" Width: 6 1/2"
The hundreds of small planks are fastened with tiny pegs. The hull is beautifully fashioned and like all models bears a true resemblance of the ship to be built following the model. The quarter galleries and stern galleries are carved with outstanding detail and precision. The rigging is exceptional. The standing rigging is woven with lines of various thicknesses. The running rigging is also very complex and accurate to the most minute detail. Accompanying the model is an original sales receipt that read "Received by Richard S. P-kins...Fifty Dollars-in payment of one model. The Barkentine." The note was hand signed by Leonard Lefleur.
Ship Model 19th century
Composition: Wood, fully planked
Condition: Clean, carefully restored.
Note: original receipt stating "Received of Richard P-kins...Fifty Dollars - in payment of one model. "The Barkentine
Size: Overall the sculpture measures approx. H. 36" L. 47" W. 6 1/2"