Italian writing-desk of century XIX, the region of Piedmont, in ebonizada wood decorated with ivory plates chiselled to plumilla and inlaid filetajes, in decorated forms and borders, their totality. Drawers in the frontal. Partly superior several small drawers and central shelf. Makers Mark. Pogliani cabinetmaker (Milano).
ABOUT THE MAKER - (as translated from Italian)
Pogliani Ferdinando (Milano, 1832 – Milano, 1899). Ebanista, intarsiatore. L' milanese workshop of Ferdinando Pogliani and of the sons Giuseppe, Paolo and Carlo, marked in Lombardy a moment of special brilliance. In the general eventuality of concomitant factors negative that imposero a bulky one run back all' industry, l' operated some Pogliani is distinguished for l' excellence of its manufactured articles, that knew themselves all' caution of an European public. Their production all is marked' adoption of forms neorinascimentali, that recall the gold rents in the proportions and in the symmetries. The given ornamental it it is articulated in a range of technologies extremely differentiated, where l' element prince is l' employment of the inlay in ivory, treated to I dust, hacksaw and graffita. All' ivory inclusions in tortoise link themselves, metals, committed in hard stones and quant' other returns to the executive methodologies than already had been actual to the ancient. A furniture achieves of it of I stamp courtly, necessarily destined to a demanding and wealthy public. The manufacture itself distinse to the national shows and, to leave from 1873 to the International Exhibitions (with Vienna). It follows Philadelphia in 1876 and Paris, in 1878. L' imposing I pack presented to the National one of Milan of 1881, squandered d' ebony encrusted in ivory, adorned with sculptures to round everything and placche illustrated, gives back merit of the goals you persecute from the Pogliani and is depicted them like worthy imitators of the Cats faentino, ebanista that for first introduces same formulations in longed for d' I furnish. In their manufactured articles - sometimes also resolved with garment to alone utilization of valuable woods - it is perceived l' adherence all' eclettismo storicista, revived and updated to the modernismo of the styles that in the second half of the XIX century crossed themselves frenetically. And' nevertheless l' contribution of the designer Luigi Scrosati, that planned architectures d' insides destined to create tendencies (insides of Villa Amalia to Grass and you furnish him of Palace Poldi Pezzoli to Milan) that drives the Pogliani to the lesson neogotica, assimilating the theme moresche and in primis, it "vein" renaissance.
1) Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) Accademia Carrara (Bergamo, Italy). The writing desk could have been comissioned to have the center Ivory pane, which references Raffaello Sanzo, built into it. The central ivory pane could date to the first quarter of the 16th century although it could be consistant with ivory work from the Pogliani family (Ferdinando Pogliani) in the 19th century. This could be the wedding scene of Raffaello Sanzio as carved by Ferd. Pogliani.
2) Pogliani Ferdinando. Pogliani Ferdinando was the more desired maker of this family of four cabinetmakers. Milano. This writing desk contains his mark 'Ferd. Pogliani' located on the inside front drawer.