Nehushtan - the first recorded antique meaning a "brazen serpent" made by Moses.
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As Josh Billings observed: "It's a wise man who profits by his own experience. But it's a good deal wiser one who lets the rattlesnake bite the other fellow."

But just don't read these stories. Implement the helpful hints that the stories narrate. Confucious said: "I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand."

Do and you will understand. And prosper.

click the articles below:
Recommendations for the Matting, Framing, and Display of Art on Paper...

Story of the Magna Carta shows far-reaching impact

Chromolithography: Bringing Color to the Masses

Leave The Finish Alone


Anglo-Saxon Versions of Scripture
(A.D. 600 - 1150)

About Medieval Manuscripts

Da Vinci - Mona Lisa conspiracies revealed

The Rocking Horse

How To Clean Ancient Coins

Magna Carta Is Going on the Auction Block

List of Roman Emporer's

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